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WMR Reviews (Official)

Do Leaks Reveal HTC's new Vive Flow VR Headset is NOT Wireless?

Do Leaks Reveal HTC’s new Vive Flow VR Headset is NOT Wireless?

With the leaks of HTC’s new Vive Flow VR Headset shocking the world merely two days before the announcement on Thursday, it’s all part of the greater pattern of tech companies using “leaks” as part of its promotion circle. What’s even more disturbing to many VR and WMR enthusiasts, is even in 2021 we are… Read More »Do Leaks Reveal HTC’s new Vive Flow VR Headset is NOT Wireless?

Genitals and Haptic Feedback: The Coming Age of VR Headsets

Genitals and Haptic Feedback: The Coming Age of VR Headsets

The haptic feedback on virtual reality and windows mixed reality is improving rapidly. It seems that we can now create the sensation of texture in virtual reality to a much higher fidelity than in the past. We are also working on touch and smell, using advanced olfaction systems for VR immersion. This is where our… Read More »Genitals and Haptic Feedback: The Coming Age of VR Headsets

Biometrics: The Four Horsemen of Sensory Data

Biometrics: The Four Horsemen of Sensory Data

Everyone who thinks of biometrics regarding Windows Mixed Reality or virtual reality headsets always assumes you’re talking about security. This is simply because security purposes are the most common uses for biometric data. From fingerprint sensors to the eye or retinal scanners, there is a whole other world out there that’s ripe for the picking!… Read More »Biometrics: The Four Horsemen of Sensory Data

New Expanded Functionality with WMR Headsets Looks Promising

New Expanded Functionality with WMR Headsets Looks Promising!

The use of a Windows Mixed Reality headset is to be able to interact with a simulated environment. To do so, you must have the Windows Mixed Reality Environment software on your computer. You can download many different software components for it, depending on what kind of simulation you want. The new functionality of WMR… Read More »New Expanded Functionality with WMR Headsets Looks Promising!